Wednesday 18 January 2012

game 1

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'a' 'd'
'up arrow' 'down arrow'

   This game is the first game I made by using flash. I learned that I can make a game in a simple way by using this program instead of Adobe Flash. I personally prefer this program more than Flash.  To use this program very well, you have to know what you have to use at each situations. For example if you want to make something move forever when it touches a ball, you have to put ‘forever if (   )’ and  ‘touching (    )’ together. Then you have to put ‘move () steps’ at the bottom.
   Also, I learned how to make a game in a simple and a fast way. Because I only played the game, I didn't no how to make it. But by using this program, I knew that making game is quiet simple.

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